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Your carbon can

feed communities

Balance Carbon globally by 
acting locally

What we do

Balance Carbon facilitates the movement of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) funds from profitable businesses that want to do good, to support carbon-avoiding or sequestering projects which also add social value to communities.


People, planet & profit

We understand that it can be a challenge to balance people, the planet and profit simultaneously. Until now, the main option for offsetting emissions has been by planting trees — many of which don’t start to sequester carbon until they are at least 20 years old and are in countries which are not the cause of the problem.  Planting trees or funding projects abroad does nothing to address all the things that we should be doing in the UK to avoid emissions and tackle the problem at source.

Offsetting done differently

We work with business owners or Heads of Sustainability to make it easy for them to use their ESG and voluntary carbon offset funds in carbon-avoiding, not-for-profit ventures. 

Balance Carbon is unique in that we invest in the people behind the projects that tackle social injustice as well as environmental impact.  We water these grassroots projects so they can flourish and revitalise their communities, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. We are about prevention, but we have a long way to go until there are no problems to fix. 

Bespoke matching

Our expertise is in finding and building relationships with passionate people who are running not-for-profit carbon-avoiding ventures.


We match your company's voluntary carbon offset or ESG funds with projects in the UK, based on the funds available and the kinds of projects and locations you are interested in supporting.

Unique projects

Projects such as baby banks, furniture reuse projects, breastfeeding support, rewilding and community farms are tackling some of society's most pressing problems. Their primary aim may not be to sequester or avoid carbon production, but this is a secondary outcome — along with creating social value and the positive changes we need in society.

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The Vision

“Together, let's help create a world where people have much less stress, more self security and the ability to make higher choices. Experience greater levels of guidance, open up to a more intuitive way of being.


The old ways are not working. It’s time to reset, open our hearts and co create a world where heart centred living becomes the baseline intelligence for shifting humanity from surviving to thriving. Where hope flourishes and compassion prevails for all human kind.


Let's experience and expand the world's understanding of global interconnectedness and the importance of bringing heart qualities into our day to day lives, such as compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude and sincere generosity.” Tracy Holloway

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 is registered in England and Wales, Company No 15673277 

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